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Not much is said about his backstory as he has only been recently introduced. (He did invent the "Haiwoo"/"Baiwoo", though).


Generally cheery and excitable, although at times it seems he is prone to emotional outbursts.


Item Type Material Damage Speed Armor Enchants
Weapon Iron Naginata Naginata Iron 6D 2.5 Sharpness I
Weapon Prismarine Katana Katana Prismarine
Weapon Prismarine Wakizashi Wakizashi Prismarine
Head Legion Cowl Cowl Wool +1 Night Eyes I
Torso Ln. Battle Suit [U] Chestplate Leather, Iron +3 Cold Resist I, Fire Resist I, Blast Resist I
Legs Ln. Battle Suit [L] Leggings Leather, Iron +3 Cold Resist I, Fire Resist I, Blast Resist I
Feet Ln. Battle Boots Boots Leather, Iron +2
Cloak Lost Legion Initiate Clock Cloak Agility II
Gloves Ln. Battle Gloves Gloves Leather, Iron +2
Belt Ln. Sash Sash Leather Strength II
Pouch Enchanted Satchel Satchel Leather Pouch I
Ring Ring of Strength Silver Strength II
Ring Ring of Strength Silver Strength II


"Haiwoo!", and "Baiwoo!"
